Bin System is a system to get fresh fruit bunches transported. TBS transportation at time of low crops by using one Prime Mover to one division will make idle time of Prime Mover of very high. Lessened Prime Movers become three;it's expected idle time of Prime Mover decrease. Decreased Prime Mover will raise a delay of bin to be transported, so it is require a scheduling where idle time of Prime Mover and delay time of bin to be transported minimum.
This scheduling which is finished by using Linear Programming principle use assignation model. The reason for using that method is it can develop scheduling which idle time of Prime Mover and time delay of bin to be transported are minimum. Before conducting of scheduling, it is important to know the optimal amount of bin as well as queue analyses to know do queue in weighing-bridge influence fluency of transportation process.
The result of scheduling shows that mean idle of total time for each Prime Mover each day equal to 111 minute, mean time delay of TBS to be transported is equal to 41,8 minute and total of time required to finish the transportation for each division is 327,5 minute up to 566,3 minute.
Transportation used by Libo Transport need amount of trip PM as according to requirement of trip at selected division. While this scheduling, amount of trip conducted for each PM do not depend on requirement of trip at one particular selected division, but the amount of required trip from entire divisions. So that conducted trip each PM tend to will be the same (8trip per day).
Comparison result between transportation systems used by Libo Transport with this transportation scheduling can be concluded that at the time of low crop amount of bin and required Prime Mover can be lessen. Reduction of one Prime Mover will cause arise of delays of bin to be transported. If delay of TBS counted since TBS reside in TPH up to unloading in loading ramp hence delay of TBS the biggest becouse of existence of delay of bin to be transported is equal to 148 minute added again with trip time, queuing up and unloading in loading ramp equal to 26 minute, is so that got total of time equal to 228 minute. the delay admit able to tolerate because the delay less then 8 hour.
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